2017-2018 MSBA Business Law Section Newsletter and Clerkship
Editor: Barbara Ann White, Professor of Law, University of Baltimore School of Law
Editorial Board: MSBA- University of Baltimore Business Law Clerkship Program
Clerkship Fellows: Laura Cress ’18, Robert Jacaruso ’18, Alicia Morales ’18, Jason Parkins ’18, Brittany Tates ’18
Contact Us
Editors: editors@msbabusinesslawnewsletter.com
Submissions: submissions@msbabusinesslawnewsletter.com
General Information: info@msbabusinesslawnewsletter.com
Phone: Shavaun O’Brien (410) 837-4635
Mailing Address:
MSBA Business Law Section Newsletter
Attn: Prof. Barbara White, AL 1117
1420 North Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21201-5779
Additionally, you may contact us directly through this site, please use the form below: